

Another Day in Lebanon
Another Day in Lebanon
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As another day passes in Lebanon, economy tends to decrease, there is an increase in taxes and a decrease in salaries, accidents on roads and a spread in diseases. The innocent and green country called Lebanon does not exist anymore. The city of Beirut that used to be a hotel for global investors is now a housing for immigrants and people who came because of wars in their countries.

So what are these problems? Why are the Lebanese people struggling to live? I will tell you why; it’s because of the immense number of people who want to live here, hatred between people, and the laziness of our government to react to it. Why is someone making more money than the other when their jobs are the same? It is because the owner of the business likes this worker more than that worker which is not legal in the Lebanese constitution. Careless drivers and unhealthy food being sold cause a higher chance of a Lebanese person dying. Workers are getting low salaries because of businesses running low since people prefer purchasing from outside Lebanon for a cheaper and higher quality product. There is an increase in taxes since Lebanese hospitals and schools don’t show a fruitful outcome along with the government’s desperate need for money. But the biggest question of them all is why are immigrants working and the Lebanese people not?? it’s because Lebanese people don’t accept working for really low salaries meanwhile immigrants do.

 We hope that things will be better again. We ask the Lebanese government to do its job and solve the problems. We hope that Lebanon will be the great green innocent country it once was.

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