الجمعة - 26 نيسان 2024


Counterfeit diplomas: An ongoing issue in Lebanon

Sabine El Sabeh
Counterfeit diplomas: An ongoing issue in Lebanon
Counterfeit diplomas: An ongoing issue in Lebanon
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BEIRUT: Graduation season is right around the corner. While some students have worked hard to earn their degree, others have never set foot in a classroom and spent an average of $4,000 to receive the same exact diploma.Although several initiatives have been taken to counter the issuance of fake university degrees, it remains an alarming problem in the country. "In Lebanon, we have around 45 universities," Amal Harb, a social studies expert, told Annahar. Harb explained that the existence of "too many" universities makes it hard for the government to control or monitor all that goes on in these...
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