السبت - 20 نيسان 2024


The Importance of Planting Trees

The Importance of Planting Trees
The Importance of Planting Trees
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      It is a very well-known fact that trees are essential to humans, animals, and to all of our planet. I believe that planting trees is important because they provide oxygen and nitrogen, which most living creatures need. Trees are also home to many animals such as birds and squirrels. Furthermore, it is important to plant all kinds of plants, and not only trees, as their roots keep soil in its place sturdily and prevent it from becoming loose. Imagine how awful and terribly dangerous windstorms would be if there weren’t any trees to tighten the soil! By planting trees, we are preserving nature and there will be more fruits growing. Having more fruits will decrease starvation and increase healthier options. Trees are exquisite things, and you will be dumbfounded when you hear how many trees are being cut worldwide. And so I plead, for our planet’s sake, to save the trees. A world without trees - or with only a few - is like a sailor without a ship, or a worker without any tools.

In other words, we need trees, and deforestation will lead to trees depletion. This had been proven by famous and accomplished scientists through many researches over the past decade. To crown it all, the less trees there are, the less oxygen and fruits. Think of all the innocent animals losing their homes. Plant trees for all of our present and future well-being!

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