الجمعة - 19 نيسان 2024


Protecting Cedar Trees

Protecting Cedar Trees
Protecting Cedar Trees
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The cedar trees of Lebanon are precious out dated fortune. They even adorn the cedar tree of Lebanon’s flag. People should take drastic actions to save and protect cedar trees from random cutting.

Lebanon’s cedar trees are threatened by many factors. To begin with, the climate change and the global warming cause shorter winters and less snow, which affect the growth of new trees. In addition, there is the random deforestation which can be prevented if the government controls it with a law enforcement.

Forest fires among other most dangerous natural threats present a serious threat to cedar trees especially that the government is no property well equipped to fight these ravaging fires, which burn yearly huge hectares of forest areas. Therefore, government should plant up suitable local tree seedlings in different regions of Lebanon to ensure a continuous improvement of reforestation in the future.

Furthermore, training and workshops for all age groups in schools for planting and how to protect trees around us is a must to ensure the safety of the cedar trees.

All in all, the natural forests of the cedar of Lebanon are considered to be important national and cultural treasures, and the conservation and cultural treasures, and the conservation of this iconic tree will also be important to many other species which rely on the vital habitat it provides.

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للإطلاع على أخر الأخبار والأحداث اليومية في لبنان والعالم