الجمعة - 19 نيسان 2024



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How does nature help us?

Scientists have discovered that living near green spaces is good for your health. It helps us breath better, sleep more, watching animals and plants can change your perspective. Nature can help you have a better life. It helps reduce stress and to have a quiet life.

Problems in nature: The problems in nature is that it has pollution, dirt and such more. burning down trees is not good because it will stop giving us oxygen. Plants and trees are dying from pollution. Trash all around the place is not good because it is making the benches dirty.

Solutions for helping nature: To help reduce the pollution, we have to clean, we don’t burn down trees to help animals and plants not to die. We can put a trash can in nature so all the trash could go into it. And we have to clean benches. We can make a zoo for animals that do not have a shelter. We can make even more ideas for hikers and scientists to see nature in a better way.

Karim Tabaa


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