الخميس - 25 نيسان 2024



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Lebanon, home to the oldest and greatest cities in the world, desperately needs to go green! Our great historical cities must become great green cities too. But how? I don’t want to give far-fetched solutions, if we just change some of our habits, Lebanon will be one of the greenest countries in the Middle East.

1-Plant a tree

When we live in a city, we cut trees to make space for new buildings. Leave a little space for a tree or two, or any other kind of plants. The city will become prettier and greener.

2-Take the bus or ride a bike

The more cars we have on the roads, the more pollution we have in the air. So why don’t we use the bus more often? Cycling helps you stay fit and is really fun! Try it and the planet will thank you later.

3-Use wind turbines

One of Lebanon’s biggest issues is electricity. Wind turbines are a great investment in this case. They are devices that convert wind’s kinetic energy into electrical energy. All they need is wind which is available for "FREE".

We still have a really long way to go when it comes to making our cities green but if we start with these simple tips we will reach our goal.

Lebanese people are smart and creative, so let’s use our skills and make Lebanon the greatest!

Jana Haissam Saghbini

Ecole de la Paix des Pères Antonins

(EPPA) - Zahlé 

حمل الآن تطبيق النهار الجديد

للإطلاع على أخر الأخبار والأحداث اليومية في لبنان والعالم