السبت - 20 نيسان 2024


عقوبات جنائيّة جديدة صارمة... سببُ توقيف امرأة أوسترالية 22 مرّة في سنتين

عقوبات جنائيّة جديدة صارمة... سببُ توقيف امرأة أوسترالية 22 مرّة في سنتين
عقوبات جنائيّة جديدة صارمة... سببُ توقيف امرأة أوسترالية 22 مرّة في سنتين
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قُبض على الناشطة النباتيّة ليا دولينغر 22 مرّة خلال عامين بسبب تنظيم احتجاجات واقتحام مزارع المصانع لإنقاذ الحيوانات.

ففي التفاصيل، تقوم ليا بتصوير نفسها في مزارع المصانع في جميع أنحاء أوستراليا في محاولة لنشر الوعي حول سوء معاملة الحيوانات.

وبحسب موقع "دايلي ميل" البريطاني، تقول المؤسِّسة لجموعة Meat The Victims، أن في معظم الأوقات، لم يكن لدى المزارعين أي فكرة عن وجودها مع ناشطين آخرين في الداخل.

ويُذكر أيضاً، أن دولينغر اتُهمت بسرقة ستة خنازير من مزرعة كوينزلاند في تشرين الثاني بعدما نشرت فيديواً في وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي.

ونتيجة لذلك، فرض المدعي العام كريستيان بورتر عقوبات جنائيّة جديدة صارمة على الناشطين، الذين يستخدمون وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي للتحريض على التعدي على ممتلكات الغير وإلحاق أضرار ماليّة للأراضي الزراعيّة، بما فيها السجن لمدّة تصل إلى 12 شهرًا بموجب مخالفة جديدة مخصّصة لحماية المزارعين الأوستراليين.

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When we are inside these places we see babies who have been smashed on the ground in the lane ways, we see their tails and teeth that have been cut all over the ground and we find so many dying babies, stuck in the afterbirth, and their Mothers are caged down and can’t turn around to help them . I’ve not actually spoken about this but I’ve thought about it, that when we see babies stuck we help them get to their Mothers milk, like you can see... but we can’t take all of those babies home, so really we are helping dying babies survive to be killed... if we don’t help, they will die a slow death and if we do help they will be sent off to a gas chamber when they’re older and die a horrific death also . The Mothers are very distraught when they hear one of their babies behind them dying and crying out and they can’t help them. We pick them up and show the Mother’s that their baby is ok and we try and get them to suckle . We have turned Mothers into machines with no regards to their bodies, minds or souls or their babies, all because humans want to eat their flesh, not because we need to. Can you imagine being one of those Mothers? What we are doing to others for greed and power is so evil . . . #vegan #vegansofig #vegans #plantbased #crueltyfree #vegetarian #love #friends not #food #inspiration #motivation #foodporn #bacon #pork #dog #dogsofig #cat #catsofig #animals #animallovers

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@planetvegandoc came out to Meat The Victims #4 in Australia. Filming from the Pre Dinner to the action and while here I also took them on a tour of hell. We went to an Australian piggery and then to this modern day battery farm . Modern day factory farms are proof that the welfarist approach does not work. I was 8 years old when I saw my first battery farm and decided to be vegetarian, my Mum downloaded petitions and we went around getting them signed to abolish battery cages... I’m 29 years old now. It’s been 21 years and I am now entering NEWLY BUILT factory farms . The welfarist approach just adds extra steps and prolongs the fight for the animals. Animal Welfare in agriculture is non existent. We are not only lying to ourselves and confusing the public by saying “yes that’s a great step eat free range” but we are also betraying the animals and what they deserve and have a right to . By encouraging welfare steps we are condoning animal cruelty and exploitation. We are saying they don’t deserve freedom and rights. We also then have to try and convince the public of the evil and exploitation of “Free range” after we have encouraged it . Abolition is the only way, and the more active we are, the stronger we stand, the faster we will reach animal liberation. Why not be honest and state the truth; animals are here with us, not for us. Their lives are their own and we do not need to consume their bodies, their milk, their eggs, their honey, wear their fur or their skin, test on them or use them for entertainment etc . Look at her little face, I had been walking the aisles and looked up and saw her little eyes looking down at me. You never know who to choose, you just get who you can and get out, but this little lady made eye contact with me and I couldn’t walk away . (FYI I had no black clothes left, hence the short top that I tried tucking into my pants) . . . . #vegan #vegansofig #love #crueltyfree #inspiration #motivation #animals #plantbased #vegetarian #animallovers #dogsofig #catsofig #dog #cat #meatthevictims #freedom #animalactivist #activist

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