World Cup VOX POP: Who are you cheering for?

Ghadir Hamadi and Tala Ramadan

BEIRUT: After four years of waiting, the World Cup 2018 has finally kicked off. Football fans are roaming around to find the best spots around to watch the games.

Annahar went to one of the most crowded venues, N12 Fan Park, among others. The venue is made exclusively for the World Cup, with an outdoor screening and comfortable chairs and appetizing snacks.

A number of supporters have shown great expectations and hopes for their chosen Football team; Mirna AbouAmo, for instance, is one of the Brazil supporters who hasn’t lost faith in her favorite team, “let's hope Brazil won't have another 7-1 incident because I am betting on them," she said.

Others chose to bet on a team based on a player that they admire, like Zeina Zouheiry, one of the many fangirls caught in the Ronaldo-Messi turmoil, who chose Argentina, due to her love for Messi.

Along the lines of Zouheiry, Lara Dandashli, another fangirl, excitedly explained the reasons behind her seemingly never-ending support for Portugal.

“Let’s just say I want to see Cristiano Ronaldo whip his shirt off,” Dandashli said.

In some cases, cheering for a certain team seems to be inherited in the families, which is the case of Ogarit Najdi, who told Annahar that she’s cheering for Brazil because she “grew up like that,” since growing up, she witnessed her father supporting Brazil.

Many share the same motive as Najdi’s, Mariam Assaf, for instance, stated that her love for Brazil started when she was younger, simply because her eldest brother had been a fan all along.

The competitive edge in the World Cup is highly prominent especially between the German and Brazilian fans, “but still,” Assaf said, “I don’t care about the Brazilians winning as much as I care about the Germans losing,” she added.

For some, football is simply fun to watch even without betting on a specific team, like Nadia Freim, who was found watching Russia versus Saudi Arabia enthusiastically, without taking sides.

Some were keen on supporting those who weren’t so lucky last time and went with the saying, “if you don’t succeed at first, try and try again,” said Fidele Kassem, who is cheering for Morocco.

Others cheered the countries that appeal to them on a humanitarian level, “I mean how could I possibly not support Germany after all they’ve done for refugees?” said Mohamad Zaidan.

Busy youth, who have just delved into their careers, viewed that the World Cup as a waste of their time.

However, many were quick to disagree.

Watching the football match nearly every night on a giant screen with a group of friends, in Terrace Beirut for instance, seemed like a suitable way to end a hard day at work for some.

Great vibes, a fun-filled atmosphere and a group of friends seemed perfect for many hardworkers, “It’s nice to have something to look forward to when you’re having a hard day at work,” said Bashir Kordab.

Even coffee shop owners had their personal reason, like Karim Jaroudy, a local coffee shop owner, attributed his love for the World Cup to making profit, “my profit skyrockets,” also adding that he enjoys watching “the Brazilians crush the Germans.”

Video Credit: Mia Dagher