195 استاذاً في الجامعة الأميركية يدينون إعلان ترامب في شان القدس

أعلن الرئيس الأميركي دونالد #ترامب، في السادس من كانون الأول 2017، اعتراف الحكومة الأميركية بالقدس المحتلة عاصمة لإسرائيل. يمثل هذا الإعلان انتهاكاً جسيماً للمبادئ الأساسية للقانون الدولي واتفاقية جنيف الرابعة، التي تحمي الشعوب الواقعة تحت الاحتلال العسكري. 

نحن الموقّعين أدناه، أعضاء في الهيئة التدريسية في الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت، ندين بشدة إعلان الرئيس ترامب حول القدس، فهو لا يمثل فقط انتهاكاً فاضحاً للمبادئ الأساسية للقانون الدولي واتفاقية جنيف الرابعة، بل يشكل استمراراً للدعم الأميركي المستمر والواضح للإيديولوجيا والممارسات الاستعمارية الإسرائيلية، بما في ذلك في القدس. نعلن عن تضامننا الراسخ مع أخواتنا وإخواننا في فلسطين وجميع أنحاء العالم، وكل من رفض خطوة الرئيس ترامب المتهوّرة، وغير الشرعية وغير الأخلاقية. وندعو الى حل عادل للقضية الفلسطينية، يحقق بشكل لا لبس فيه كل حقوق الشعب الفلسطيني التي يكفلها القانون الدولي بما في ذلك حق تقرير المصير، وحق العودة، وغيرها من الحقوق الفلسطينية كشعب وكأفراد أينما وجدوا، بما في ذلك في #القدس.

لم تكن المسألة يوما معقدة: احتلت إسرائيل القدس الشرقية عسكرياً في حزيران 1967، ثم وسّعت بعد ذلك حدودها البلدية عبر مصادرة اراضٍ من ثماني وعشرين قرية في الضفة الغربية، قبل "ضمها" رسمياً سنة 1980. وقد اتبعت إسرائيل سياسات عدوانية استعمارية، لتهويد المدينة، كما نفذت حملة ممنهجة وشرسة لطرد سكان المدينة الفلسطينيين بهدف تغيير التركيبة السكانية فيها؛ ومارست السلطات الإسرائيلة الفصل العنصري في جميع أنحاء الأراضي المحتلة؛ وشنت حملات لقمع كل من يقاوم "الحقائق" التي ذكرها ترامب.

على المستوى القانوني، ومن دون التطرق إلى المبادئ الأخلاقية الأساسية، الامر بسيط أيضا: إن الاستحواذ على الأراضي الفلسطينية بالقوة، بما في ذلك القدس، هو أمر محظور صراحةً في القانون الدولي وهو مدان عالمياً. وقد أقر المجتمع الدولي مراراً وتكراراً من خلال قرارات الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة ومجلس الأمن الدولي في العقود الخمسة الأخيرة بأن السياسات الأحادية، وبخاصة سياسة إسرائيل الاستيطانية في القدس غير شرعية، واعتبر أن التدابير الإسرائيلية الساعية لتغيير طابع مدينة القدس ووضعها القانوني لاغية وباطلة.

نحن نرى، أن تصريح ترامب يأتي في سياق أوسع للسياسة الأميركية، وهو مظهر آخر من مظاهر الالتزام الأميركي لدعم الاستعمار الاستيطاني، ولمبدأ "القوة تصنع الحق". وهذا كله مرفوض على أكثر من مستوى. كما يأتي هذا التصريح ليذكّر بتجاهل السياسات الاميركية المستمرة وتدخلاتها كافة في المنطقة لحقوق أهل هذه المنطقة وتطلعاتهم. لذلك، نحن كأساتذة وأكاديميين، من المنطقة ولها، نؤكد أن تعريف "الواقع" الذي ذكره ترامب بالنسبة إلى القدس منحاز كلياً، وجاهل بشكل متعمد، ومخادع بشكل خطير.

التواقيع (بحسب الترتيب الأبجدي).


Hassan Abbas, Asfari Institute for Civil Society and Citizenship

2. Reem Abdallah, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

3. Abdel-Fattah Abdel-Rahman, Department of Geology

4. Sawsan Abdulrahim, Department of Health Promotion and Community Health

5. Mohamad G. Abiad, Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences

6. Nour Alayan, Hariri School of Nursing

7. Mahmoud Al-Batal, Department of Arabic & Near East Languages

8. Anaheed Al-Hardan, Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies

9. Howayda Al-Harithy, Department of Architecture and Design

10. Mahmoud Al-Hindi, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering

11. Anies Al-Hroub, Department of Education

12. Aghiad Al-Kutoubi, Department of Diagnostic Radiology

13. Nadia Bou Ali, Department of Civilization Studies Program

14. Elie Akl, Department of Internal Medicine

15. Tariq Mehmood Ali, Department of English

16. George Araj, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

17. Victor Araman, Olayan School of Business

18. Thalia Arawi, Department of Internal Medicine

19. Sahar Assaf, Department of Fine Arts and Art History

20. Mia Malda Mohamad Atoui, Department of Psychology

21. George Ayoub, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

22. May Awaida, Department of Psychology

23. Ghassan Awar, Department of Internal Medicine

24. Marco Bardus, Department of Health Promotion and Community Health

25. Munir Bashshur, Department of Education

26. Bana Bashour, Department of Philosophy

27. Julien Besle, Department of Psychology

28. Rana A. Bilbeisi, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

29. Ray Brassier, Department of Philosophy

30. Tania Bosqui, Department of Psychology

31. Kamal Bouhadir, Department of Chemistry

32. Hayat Bualuan, Department of Civilization Studies Program

33. Greg Burris, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Media Studies

34. Josh Carney, Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies

35. Jad Chaaban, Department of Agriculture

36. Lama Charafeddine, Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine

37. Ali Chalak, Department of Agriculture

38. Mona Chebaro, Department of Psychiatry

39. Ali Chehab, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

40. Nadim Cortas, Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology

41. David Currell, Department of English

42. Samira Istfan Dabbous, Department of Education

43. Mayssa Dabaghi, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

44. Nabil Dajani, Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies

45. Salma Samar Damluji, Department of Architecture and Design

46. Nadine Darwish, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics

47. Zaher Dawy, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

48. Jocelyn DeJong, Department of Epidemiology and Population Health

49. Omar Dewachi, Department of Epidemiology and Population Health

50. Riad Dimechkie, Olayan School of Business

51. Joanna Doummar, Department of Geology

52. Beata Dreksler, Department of Landscape Design and Ecosystem Management

53. Mounib Eid, Department of Physics

54. Martine El Bejjani, Department of Internal Medicine

55. Nader El-Bizri, Civilization Studies Program, and Department of Philosophy.

56. Said Elfakhani, Olayan School of Business

57. Imad Elhajj, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

58. Dima El-Halabi, Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences

59. Wassim El Hajj, Department of Computer Science

60. Karma El Hassan, Department of Education

61. Tima El Jamil, Department of Psychology

62. Fadi El-Jardali, Department of Health Management and Policy

63. Hounaida El Jurdi, Olayan School of Business

64. Faysal El Kak, Department of Health Promotion and Community Health

65. Sabine El Khoury, Department of Mathematics

66. Houssam El-Rassy, Department of Chemistry

67. Ahmed El-Yazbi, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology

68. Farah El Zein, Department of Education

69. Octavian Esanu, Department of Fine Arts and Art History

70. May Farah, Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies

71. Laila Farhood, Hariri School of Nursing

72. Mohamad Talal Farran, Department of Agriculture

73. Mona Fawaz, Department of Architecture and Design

74. Carmen Geha, Department of Political Studies and Public Administration

75. Lina Ghaibeh, Department of Architecture and Design

76. Nesreen Ghaddar, Department of Mechanical Engineering

77. Nada Ghandour-Demiri, Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies

78. Ahmad Gharbieh, Department of Architecture and Design

79. Hala Ghattas, Center for Research on Population and Health

80. Kassem Ghorayeb, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering

81. Mazen Ghoul, Department of Chemistry

82. Dahlia Gubara, Civilization Studies Program

83. Rima Habib, Department of Environmental Health

84. Rana Haddad, Department of Architecture and Design

85. Mustapha Haidar, Department of Agriculture

86. Ali Hajj, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

87. Lara Halaoui, Department of Chemistry

88. Ghassan Hamadeh, Department of Family Medicine

89. Lama Hamandi, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

90. Rola Hamam, Department of Ophthalmology

91. Joseph Hammond, Department of Fine Arts and Art History

92. Sari Hanafi, Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Media Studies

93. Charles Harb, Department of Psychology

94. Mohammad Harb, Department of Mechanical Engineering

95. Mona Harb, Department of Architecture and Design

96. Sirene Harb, Department of English

97. Angela Harutyunyan, Department of Fine Arts and Art History

98. Najah Hawwa, Department of Arabic and Near Eastern Languages

99. Bashshar Haydar, Department of Philosophy

100. Alaa Hijazi, Department of psychology

101. Coralie Pison Hindawi, Department of Political Studies and Public Administration

102. Khalil Hindi, Olayan School of Business

103. Evelyn Hitti, Department of Emergency Medecine

104. David A. Hoffman, Department of Psychology

105. Ernst Huijer, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

106. Zahra Hussain, Department of Psychology

107. Ruba Ismail, Faculty of Health Sciences

108. Hadi Jaafar, Department of Agriculture

109. Diana Jaalouk, Department of Biology

110. Maher Jarrar, Civilization Studies Program

111. Ryan Johnson, Department of English

112. Humam Kadara, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics

113. Ghassan Kanazi, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Management

114. Charlotte Karam, Olayan School of Business

115. Dima Karam, Children’s Cancer Institute

116. Rima Karami, Department of Education

117. Ayman Kayssi, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

118. Tarif Khalidi, Center for Arab & Middle Eastern Studies

119. Vivian Khamis, Department of Education

120. Hiba Khodor, Department of Political Studies and Public Administration

121. Rami Khouri, Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies

122. Khouzama Knio, Department of Biology

123. Firas Kobaissy, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics

124. Nikolas Kosmatopoulos, Department of Political Studies and Public Administration

125. Sahar Koubar, Department of Internal Medicine

126. Patrick McGreevy, Department of History and Archeology

127. Mounir Mabsout, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

128. Rima Majed, Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies

129. Karim Makdisi, Department of Political Studies and Public Administration

130. Samir Makdisi, Institute of Financial Economics

131. Jihad Makhoul, Department of Health Promotion and Community Health

132. Giuliano Martiniello, Rural Community Development

133. Kathryn Maude, Department of English

134. Nada Melhem, Medical Laboratory Sciences

135. John Meloy, Department of History and Archaeology

136. Jad Merhi, Department of Public Health Practice

137. Rami Mhanna, Biomedical Engineering Program

138. Sara Mourad, Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies

139. Hans Muller, Department of Philosophy

140. Mona Nabulsi, Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine

141. Mona Nasrallah, Department of Internal Medicine

142. Lara Nasreddine, Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences

143. Nabil Nassif, Department of Mathematics

144. Waddah Nasr, Department of Philosophy

145. Georges Nemer, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics

146. Paul Newson, Department of History and Archaeology

147. Jennifer Nish, Department of English

148. Samar Noureddine, Hariri School of Nursing

149. Heather M. O’Brien, Department of Fine Arts and Art History

150. Sylvain Perdigon, Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies

151. Danyel Reiche, Department of Political Studies and Public Administration

152. Roland Riachi, Department of Political Studies and Public Administration

153. Reem Saab, Department of Psychology

154. George Saad, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

155. Rayana Saad, Department of Education

156. Riyad Sadek, Department of Biology

157. Salah Sadek, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

158. Walid Sadek, Department of Fine Arts and Art History

159. Helen Sader, Department of History and Archeology

160. Aliya Saidi, Center of Arab and Middle Eastern Studies

161. Mohamed Salah, Department of Geology

162. Elizabeth Saleh, Asfari Institute for Civil Society and Citizenship

163. Najat Saliba, Department of Chemistry

164. Robert Saliba, Department of Architecture and Design

165. Ibrahim Salti, Department of Internal Medicine

166. Nisreen Salti, Department of Economics

167. Diana Sarieddine-Department of Education

168. Nadya Sbaiti, Center of Arab and Middle Eastern Studies

169. Kirsten Scheid, Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies

170. Helga Seeden, Department of History & Archaeology

171. Ken E. Seigneurie, Edward Said Chair in American Studies

172. Yasser Shaib, Department of Internal Medicine

173. Wael Shamseddeen, Department of Psychiatry

174. Elie Shammas, Department of Mechanical Engineering

175. Peter Shebaya, Department of Civilization Studies Program

176. Mutasem Shehadeh, Department of Mechanical Engineering

177. Rabih Sultan, Department of Chemistry & Economics

178. Rabih Talhouk, Department of Biology

179. Tariq Tell, Department of Political Studies and Public Administration

180. Arafat Tfayli, Department of Internal Medicine

181. Hala Tfayli, Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine

182. Jihad Touma, Department of Physics

183. Angelos Tsoukalas, Olayan School of Business

184. George Turkiyyah, Department of Computer Science

185. Karam Wahab, Department of Philosophy

186. Adam John Waterman, Department of English

187. Alexis Norman Wick, Department of History

188. Nuhad Yazbik-Dumit, Hariri School of Nursing

189. Aram Yeretzian, Department of Architecture and Design

190. Bassem Youssef, Radiation Oncology

191. Fadi Zaraket, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

192. Salah Zeineldine, Department of Internal Medicine

193. Amy Zenger, Department of English

194. Huda Zurayk, Department of Epidemiology and Population Health

195. Rami Zurayk, Department of Landscape Design and Ecosystem Management